Fun & Educational DIY Craft Ideas For Toddlers

Okay, so we all know it’s important for kids to be creative and express themselves from a very young age. I’ve encouraged every one of my kids since they were born to express who they are through different activities, such as dancing, drawing, music, or even Play-Doh. Old school now, right? It is so important that your child does this from a young age to not only give them them the courage to express who they are as they grow up, keep them inspired and motivated, but also to help them develop a fun and happy lifestyle where they are […]

Life-Changing Self-Care Tips For New Moms

Being a mom means sacrificing a lot of your free time for the sake of, well, being a mom! When you become a parent, your child becomes your main focus, your biggest passion, and your number one priority (sorry, hubby). While this is good, this can also be extremely rough on a busy working mom. For my first child, I was a stay-at-home mom, and my husband was at work all day paying the bills. We made this work for a while, but because of various money issues, I’ve had to pick up a job as well and have grandma help out […]

Baby Fun in the Sun: What are the Safest Baby Sunscreens for Your Baby & Toddler?

WARNING – not all ‘sunscreens’ with ‘baby’ labeled on them are safe for your children! My fellow moms, yes, that time of the year is here — summer. You, me, and billions of other parents on the planet have already started asking the same question: “Which type of sun protection is safe and effective for my child?”. We all love how convenient and drama free spray sunscreens are. They seem perfect for nervous toddlers and babies who simply don’t have the patience for sitting while we cover them with a sunscreen lotion (I know my kids hate to sit still […]

Infertility & TTC: Why Self-Love Is the Most Important Thing

To many, trying to conceive and getting pregnant is a very fun, and exciting process! I mean, of course it is, you’re working to create your own little family! And while it may take time, being gifted that family makes all the struggles worth it.  Some women are lucky and get pregnant on their first try, while it can take others (like myself) years. Yes, years. Today, I want to bring up a very serious, and difficult topic to talk about amongst a large majority of women: Trying to Conceive (TTC) & Infertility. While it is true that I have a mom blog, and […]

12 to 24 Months: Is Your Toddler Following Healthy Sleeping Habits?

At some point in every parent’s life, they wish their child would just sleep one night through but will they grant you that few hours of pure happiness? No they won’t. Probably not even when they are teenagers…. I can already hear “Mom, did you see my silver shoes?!” What is up with children? I know they don’t always need their sleep but parents do too! I noticed that one day my toddler will go to bed when I say it is bedtime now and everything will go smooth, but then the next day it is chaos to put him […]

Top 7 Most Harmful Baby Products You Shouldn’t Use on Your Baby

We all want to give our babies the best and healthiest life, that’s a no-brainer! But a lot of the time we may not realize that the products we buy to promote a healthy lifestyle for them, may actually make it worse! Believe me when I say, I was not a believer in this or ‘baby product market ploys’ until I saw it happen personally to one of my babies. And that’s never a situation you should LET IT GET TO! Hence why I am even writing about the products you should not be using on your baby. Stay clear […]

18-24 Months: Recommended Toddler Play Activities

“Run run run! I am going to catch you” , “where is my baby hiding? OH, I wonder where he could be?” – the words that can change your toddler’s day. I just love playing with my children. It can really brighten not just their day, but yours as well. Nothing can top your day more than seeing those happy faces. And even if you have to play the same game every day, it is worth it. Even if you’re sooo over the game… Your child won’t be. The most beautiful thing you will ever see is that sparkle in […]

10 Cheap Baby Products that Make Your Life as Parent So Much Easier!

Okay moms or soon to become moms, I am about to share something that someone should have shared with me before I became a mother. As much as you love your kids and as much as you try to do everything by yourself (grandmas would say everything has to go over your back because that is the right way to be a mother), the truth is, it is much easier if you use BABY GADGETS and be the Supermom that can do everything without dying every night! For example, why would I turn into a sonar when my child is sleeping […]

Why You Need a Baby Brezza to Make Baby Food

If you haven’t read already, we have spoken about the Baby Brezza and how much we love it here at ThinkBaby many times before. Why? Because it’s a machine that if, you have a baby or small children, this machine will save you a lot of time and energy aswell as a lot of tantrums and tears! Literally, it will make your own organic, homemade baby food all in one machine, there is nothing else you need to do, with very little mess! We as parents often find ourselves pressed with time, especially those parents who have more than one […]

We Upgraded to the Boon Flair Highchair

Now that my second born is getting older (2 going on 20!) with plenty of tantrums and tears. My husband and I decided that we should upgrade her current high chair to one that provides her (and us) a little more independence. We gave our current high chair to my mother in law and decided to upgrade to this Boon Flair high chair that I thought just looked awesome! Yes, it may seem a little pricey, but don’t forget what ‘they’ say – you get what you pay for! And for practicality – this high chair, so far (we’ve only […]