Baby Fun in the Sun: What are the Safest Baby Sunscreens for Your Baby & Toddler?

WARNING – not all ‘sunscreens’ with ‘baby’ labeled on them are safe for your children! My fellow moms, yes, that time of the year is here — summer. You, me, and billions of other parents on the planet have already started asking the same question: “Which type of sun protection is safe and effective for my child?”. We all love how convenient and drama free spray sunscreens are. They seem perfect for nervous toddlers and babies who simply don’t have the patience for sitting while we cover them with a sunscreen lotion (I know my kids hate to sit still […]

Top 7 Most Harmful Baby Products You Shouldn’t Use on Your Baby

We all want to give our babies the best and healthiest life, that’s a no-brainer! But a lot of the time we may not realize that the products we buy to promote a healthy lifestyle for them, may actually make it worse! Believe me when I say, I was not a believer in this or ‘baby product market ploys’ until I saw it happen personally to one of my babies. And that’s never a situation you should LET IT GET TO! Hence why I am even writing about the products you should not be using on your baby. Stay clear […]

Is Your Baby Crawling or Walking? It’s Time to Baby Gate Your Home

I can never understand how a parent can live in a double storey home with their child or children (and with or without pets) and not baby proof their home…. Do you want your child to fall down the stairs? Do you want your child to go into rooms of the house where they could danger themselves? In today’s world, there are so many products on the market to help you secure your child’s safety, and these products are must for all of us that have children that have started to crawl and walk. It only takes a few minutes […]